Studies and insights
347 examples of Q4, 2024 acquisition predictions
347 Examples of Predictions from Q4, 2024 Surfacing M&A Intent to predict acquisitions Fintent specializes in producing financial intent: an understanding of what mgmt teams and employees
188 examples of acquisition prediction examples from Q3, 2024
188 examples of acquisition predictionexamples from Q3, 2024 Behavioral data + AI to predict acquisitions Fintent specializes in producing financial intent: an understanding of what mgmt teams
50+ CapRaise Prediction Examples
50+ CapRaise Prediction Examples (H1, 2024) CapRaise Score and Deal-Maker Score are proven predictors of a company exploring fundraising. A high CapRaise Score indicates that employees/mgmt team
207 examples of M&A predictions from H1, 2024
207 M&A Prediction Examples (from H1, 2024) M&A Score and Deal-Maker Score are proven predictors of a company exploring a sale of business. A high M&A Score
M&A Score Backtest Whitepaper
M&A Score Backtest Whitepaper M&A Score acts as a leading indicator of a company exploring a sale of business. It’s created by analyzing financial intent data: the
Cyxtera Acquisition Prediction
Cyxtera Acquisition Prediction Surfacing M&A Intent By tapping into the programmatic ad ecosystem, we are able to monitor what articles are being read on 10,000+ business, news
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