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Actionable company insights for a deal-making edge.


Get alerted when companies are ready to sell

Build lists with AI-powered company search

Leverage AI to understand B2B Research Trends

Receive timely M&A alerts
when companies are 
researching topics related to the sale of business or relevant dealmakers.

Leverage predictive insights from 250K+ U.S. companies, with a specialized focus on the upper middle market, to get into deals earlier and miss fewer deals.

Use AI-based company search functionality to rapidly create tailored company lists that meet your specific investment criteria.

Access comprehensive profiles, funding history, and digital footprints of over 7 million U.S. companies. Our curated database zeroes in on the middle-market.

Analyze any customer segment or group of companies by tracking web research activities of companies’ employees, utilizing AI to uncover insights like:

  • competitive intelligence
  • evolving trends in B2B topics or company performance over time

Miss fewer deals with predictive signals

M&A Score and Deal-Maker Score flag companies exploring a sale of business. The signals are based on what articles employees of companies are researching on 10,000+ business, news and finance websites.

We produce signals for over 1M+ companies in the US with the focus on the middle market. Signals can be customized for your specific investment criteria.

7M companies

Use AI to quickly build company lists

Tap into our database that covers 7M+ funded and bootstrapped companies in the US. In addition to location, company size, industry, and funding/transaction data, every company record is tied to a company website and company’s website text.

Use AI to inform what keywords and industries are relevant to your sourcing sprints or market mapping exercise.

Strategic B2B Insights from Behavioral Data

Leverage our ad-tech partnerships to monitor and analyze what 4M+ U.S. company employees are researching across top business and finance sites. Obtain bespoke reports to uncover trends and inform strategies for any customer segment or company group.

Compare the research trends for any topic or set of companies, broken out by any customer segment over time.


 Discover more companies and miss fewer deals

Learn how our data can help you discover 

more companies and miss fewer deals