M&A Score and Deal-Maker Score are proven predictors of a company exploring a sale of business.
A high M&A Score indicates that employees of a target company are researching articles related to the sale of business. Works well across various industries and for companies with 50 to 5,000 employees.
Deal-Maker Score is a supplemental indicator of M&A Intent that flags companies researched by employees of sponsors, investment banks, advisors and/or intermediaries. It typically works best for larger companies (1,000+ employees).
207 M&A Prediction Examples
To showcase the effectiveness of the scores at predicting acquisitions, we’ve put together 207 M&A Prediction examples from acquisitions announced in H1, 2024.
You can review historical scores + articles researched by clicking on the dashboard links below:
- Software and Technology (61 examples)
- Construction, Energy, Manufacturing (56 examples)
- Corporate Services (41 examples)
- Healthcare (18 examples)
- Other industries (31 examples)
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